Treatment Overview
Until recently the only approach to treat what is medically known as submental fat, or more commonly referred to as a double chin, was surgical with liposuction and or a neck or facelift. CoolSculpting then launched the CoolMini applicator, which was FDA approved for treating this area in late 2015.
The CoolMini is the most advanced non-invasive fat reduction treatment dedicated for smaller areas such as the neck. The device is both safe and highly effective. With CoolMini, there are no needles or anaesthetic needed, and the treatment is relatively comfortable. Targeted freezing of fat cells (cryolipolysis) ensures 20-25% of fat cells in the submental region are killed off with each application. The device is applied under the neck for one to two hours. One to three treatments give dramatic improvement of neck fullness and double chin with few if any side effects. For more information on double chin treatment, contact us.
How Often Does The Treatment Need Repeating?
The beauty of CoolSculpting is that the results are permanent. If you maintain your lifestyle, you will maintain your result.
Are There Any Side Effects?
There is little discomfort, no swelling, no bruising, just redness which lasts a matter of minutes, and occasional numbness and a bit of tenderness afterwards. All these side effects are mild and short-lived. CoolMini treatments are effective in men and women of all skin colours and types, and a variety of ages. Most patients can return to work or their normal activities straight after.
What you can expect

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